Saturday, August 24, 2024

The World is Watching

 I think I see what’s been happening in the USA. Trump, the ultimate whiner and liar, has been telling his base that Kamala is a Marxist.  Not true. He claims this because she’s pro-union. She supports unions because she supports working people. She wants them to have living wages and job security. In Trump’s eyes, this is a bad thing, because he has a history of abusing and not paying workers. So he’s made her out to be a Marxist and strangely, his followers believe what this pathological liar says. Or is it strange? Maybe not if those followers are also racists and misogynists. It’s a matter of believing what one wants to believe, not necessarily what they are really convinced is true. 

So once again we see a nation torn apart by hate and fear. We witness the reason why much of the world thinks Americans are stupid. Makes me feel bad for all Americans... the half of them who aren’t stupid, but also the half who would destroy their democracy, their nation, just to keep a mixed race woman out of the White House. Trump does not have any respect from other world leaders, not even the dictators he’d love to emulate. He’s a foolish man with no redeeming qualities as a leader. But hey, he’s whyte. If he wins the election, or manages to cheat his way into the White House, it’ll be like watching a train wreck. And the whole world will be watching the fall of America.

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